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How do such massive turbines float?

Floating offshore wind turbine platforms float using buoyancy (the same way large ships float. (3) They also are specifically designed to remain upright during storms, waves, and other events. (3) Floating turbine platforms are not floating freely in the ocean – rather, they are anchored to the seafloor via mooring lines and anchors. Current estimates are that each floating platform would require at least 3 mooring lines with additional ones potentially added for additional stability and redundancy. (2) Because the mooring lines will likely have some slack, the floating platform would not sit perfectly still in the ocean. (2) The area of horizontal distance a floating wind turbine could move is known as its watch circle with the watch circle radius being the distance from the center to the edge of the circle. (2) The greater the water depth below the floating platform, the greater the corresponding watch circle because the mooring lines will be reaching further down to the seafloor. (2) Current estimates are that watch circle radii will range between 100 meters and 350 meters depending on water depth. (2) It is important to note that this numbers represent a maximum range of motion. (2)













Watch this video to learn more about how offshore wind turbines float and are stabilized (1):


  1. DW Planet A. (2023, March 17). Floating wind turbines: Offshore energy's secret weapon [Video]. YouTube.

  2. Cooperman, Auubryn, Michael Biglu, Matt Hall, Daniel Mulas Hernando, and Stein Housner. 2024 Representative Project Design Envelope for Floating Offshore Wind Energy: A Focus on the California 2023 Federal Leases. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Available at

  3. Lehmann, Hans Frederik Greve, and Mai Dolang Kristiansen. "Design and optimization model of floating offshore wind platforms." (2023). Available at

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